Hi! I’m Lisa (aka The Natural Blonde)
I educate people on how to heal their mind, body, and spirit by getting to the root cause of any imbalance. This includes removing any blockages that are preventing you from healing as well as adding back in what it needs to thrive.
My story
I felt like crap most of my life. Through most of those years I thought it was just normal, and everyone felt this way. When I finally started to figure out that it wasn’t normal, I started seeing doctors for my laundry list of ailments, but their solutions never really seemed to help. They were band-aids at best. Things got particularly bad last year when my health took a turn for the worse.
At first, it was strange skin rashes and hives that kept popping up. Then it was stomach pain and digestive issues. I also started gaining weight for no reason. Over time I began to feel more and more fatigued until I got to the point of exhaustion. I would take a shower and have to lie down after because I was so tired just from that. On top of all that my hair started falling out and breaking off in large chunks.
After about a year and a half of these strange symptoms, things started to get progressively worse. I started to get so dizzy that I couldn’t walk straight anymore. At one point, my sister had to start sending me grocery deliveries because I was too afraid to drive. I had a few episodes of tunnel vision where I almost lost consciousness driving, so I decided that wasn’t safe anymore. I even felt my muscles starting to atrophy where my leg muscles would sometimes just give out and my knees would buckle. I was really scared and had no idea what was wrong with me.
During that time, my naturopathic doctor did a bunch of lab testing and seemingly out of nowhere, I developed anemia, hypothyroidism, and Vitamin D deficiency, and my homocysteine levels were high which is an indicator of possible heart attack and stroke.
My sister and I are both holistic health practitioners, so she and I had been discussing all of my weird ailments for a while. One day, she came across an Instagram post discussing the dangers of vintage glassware and cookware with lead paint, and a lightbulb went off. She immediately remembered the pretty vintage water glasses we bought while thrift shopping for my new apartment in Tennessee.
We ordered some lead testing swabs and sure enough, they were painted with lead. I had been drinking out of these glasses every day for the last year and a half. I immediately called my naturopathic doctor and ordered a heavy metal test.
The test results showed that not only were my lead levels 6x the “safe” level according to government standards, but I also had 8x the “safe” level of mercury in my system. I also had been reading about a really common gene mutation that about half of the population has called MTHFR. I had learned that this gene mutation can affect your body’s ability to detox properly, so I decided to get tested for that, and sure enough, I had gene mutations passed down from both sides of my family.
For the heavy metal toxicity, my doctor recommended chelation therapy which consists of taking a radioactive pharmaceutical to draw the metals out of your body. I read up on the pharmaceutical, and some of the potential side effects of the drug were DNA damage and possible kidney failure. I was told that this was the only medical option, so I decided to research natural remedies.
During my research, I discovered that when detoxing, it’s important to have a strong binder to help properly and safely remove the toxins from your body. A binder is a negatively charged substance that acts as a magnet to attract and pull out any positively charged substances including heavy metals, mold, radiation, and other toxins.
I started looking into different binders and their effectiveness. This is when I discovered that most detoxes don’t work because they don’t have a strong enough binder. Then I discovered through my research that if you don’t have a strong binder, the heavy metals and toxins may not be removed from your body entirely.
Because the binder is too weak, it breaks down in your stomach acid causing heavy metals and toxins to be released into your gut. This can cause even more issues because the toxins just recirculate through your liver and bile causing even more damage. During my research, I came across a strong natural binder called zeolite. It’s a substance that is created in nature when volcanic ash meets with seawater, and it creates an extremely strong negative charge. The charge is so powerful that it takes over 800 degrees Fahrenheit to start breaking it down. So, I knew it wouldn’t have any risk of breaking down in my stomach acid.
There were just two more issues that I needed to research to truly get a comfort level around what zeolite product was the right one for me. First of all, some zeolite products on the market are synthetic. The synthetic version of zeolite does not have as strong a bond as natural zeolite. So, it has the same potential issue of dissolving in your stomach acid, inflaming your gut, and redistributing the metals and toxins back up through your liver and bile.
The second issue that came up in my research was because natural zeolite has such a strong bond, it can attract heavy metals in nature. You want to make sure your zeolite company cleanses and third-party tests it to make sure it’s contaminant-free. I looked into several zeolite companies and found one that not only cleanses their zeolite without harsh chemicals but also shares their third-party testing results to ensure you are not consuming more harmful contaminants.
After a lot more research and reading hundreds of reviews from people who had amazing results with it, I decided to give the detox products a try, and I am so glad I did.
After just three weeks of taking the products the dizziness went away, my brain fog started to lift, and I started to get my energy back. After 6 months of taking the detox products, and then switching to a maintenance dose, I’m so happy to report that I feel amazing and I have my vitality back.
I started with two detox products that were super easy to take, and they are tasteless. The first, Pure Body Extra, is a cellular detox that comes in a spray and is sized in the nanometer range, small enough to fit inside water molecule clusters, for full absorption into the bloodstream at a cellular level. When Pure Body Extra is sprayed into the mouth it becomes absorbed into the bloodstream. It will travel everywhere the blood goes, binding and removing heavy metals and toxins safely.
The second product, Pure Body gut drops is a digestive detox and it is sized so that a portion will be absorbed into the bloodstream, and the rest will provide detoxification through the digestive tract. These “gut drops” are a second layer of detox for the gut to make sure the heavy metals and toxins get carried completely out of your system and don’t redistribute throughout your gut, liver, and bile, causing more damage and inflammation. These two products together provide a whole-body detox.
During my detox process, I was chatting with my sister about everything I was going through. In one of our discussions, the topic of contaminants in tap water came up. We decided to look up her water quality on EWG’s tap water database, and discovered that she has arsenic levels in her tap water 42 times what EWG deems safe. Some additional research showed us that most water filters don’t filter our arsenic, and it was likely the cause of some major health struggles that had been ongoing in her household for a while.
We did a ton of research and she invested in the proper water filters for her house to filter out the arsenic. The next step was to start detoxing what they had all been absorbing for the last several years. To save my sister some money so she could get her entire family of 6 on the detox, I decided to pay $20 to become an affiliate. This gave me the ability to share $50 off coupons with her and anyone else I know. If you feel like you could benefit from a safe and effective detox, check out my affiliate link below. It includes $50 off when you spend $75 or more, so you can try the detox duo for $39.