Getting to the Root Cause
Our mission is to teach people how to reclaim their health and vitality by getting to the root of the problem and removing the blockages that prevent their bodies from healing.
Our bodies are amazing at healing themselves, but stressors like heavy toxic load, parasites, and stuck emotional trauma throw us out of balance making it impossible for the body to heal itself. These stressors can all be passed down from our mother in utero too, so the toxic load becomes worse throughout generations until someone in the family does the work to heal and stop the cycle.
This was my journey. I learned how to regain my vitality by clearing out these blockages preventing my body from healing. And now it’s become my mission to teach others how to do the same. Let’s break the cycle and heal together!
Are Toxins and Parasites Making You Sick?
We are constantly exposed to heavy metals and toxins in our food, air, water, soil, products we buy, and clothes we wear. No matter how healthy we are, we can’t seem to get away from them.
When our cells are filled with toxins, they cannot absorb the nutrients we need to function. The cells become damaged and no longer function properly leading to brain fog, chronic fatigue, metabolic dysfunction, hormone imbalance, auto-immune deficiency, and a long list of other symptoms.
On top of that, parasites thrive in a toxic environment. So the higher our toxic load, the harder it is for our body to fight off pathogens. When parasites take over our bodies, they can wreak havoc causing all sorts of horrible symptoms.
This is my story. Despite a fairly healthy lifestyle, my body was full of toxins including dangerously high levels of lead and mercury. Parasites had taken over my body wreaking all kinds of havoc. Until I learned how to reclaim my health.
Click the button below to learn how I detoxed and purged parasites naturally and regained my health and vitality!

Online Courses
Genetic Detoxing
Get to the root cause and heal yourself naturally by learning how to support methylation and detoxification genes, detox toxins and heavy metals, cleanse parasites, and release stuck emotions.
How to Balance Your Nervous System with Essential Oils
Learn how to reset, balance, and protect your nervous system with the powerful energy of essential oils.
Note: Edits are currently underway for this course, and will be re-launched soon!
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